Meet Scotti | Med Student Spotlight


Undergraduate Institution & Graduation Year:  Wayne State University 2019

Graduate Institution/Post Bac & Year: 

MD/DO/MSTP & Year (do not list medical school): MD Class of 2024

MCAT Score: 514

GPA (Science/Cumulative/Postbac): 3.6/3.7

Additional Information : 1 Gap Year

As much or as little as you’d like, what is your story? Tell us about your journey to medicine (highs, lows, non traditional journey, challenges, mentors and resources you used along the way etc).

My road to medicine was filled with struggles, both internal and external. My major hurdle was fighting the thought that I didn’t belong and that my success at each step of the way was a fluke. I was blessed to have a great support system, with family and friends who continued to push and motivate me whenever I felt doubt. It is a long process, and definitely not easy, but the end results are so rewarding. To know that I will be a future physician, with the ability to change health care for the better, has made this journey well worth it.

What do you think made your application stand out?

My personal statement made my application stand out. Many applicants have good stats, but having a personal statement that showed my unique journey to medicine helped me stand out from the rest.

What do you hope to bring to medicine?

I hope to bring much needed diversity to the medical field with the hopes of contributing to an end of the racial disparities seen in the health care system.

What’s your biggest advice to premedical students?

Don’t give up. There are many hurdles along the journey that seem impossible to overcome. Hang in there. You will surprise yourself with how much you can achieve if you keep pushing through. 

Connect with Scotti:  @pagingdoctorscotti


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